في إطار تشجيع ورعاية شباب الباحثين ، وإعداد جيل من الباحثين المتميزين وتدريبهم على إجراء البحوث ذات المستوى الرفيع مما يؤهل الطلاب للمشاركة في مجال البحث والنشر العلمي وبناء جسور التواصل العلمي بينهم ومواكبة التقدم فى مجالات التقنيات الرقمية والعمل على تفعيلھا فى تنمية مهارات البحث العلمي والاستفادة من التقنيات الرقمية المتقدمة فى التواصل عن بعد والذي بدوره ينعكس على الارتقاء بمستوى التعليم الجامعي
تتشرف جامعة دمياط تحت رعاية السيد أ.د/السيد محمد دعدور- رئيس الجامعة و برئاسة السيد أ.د/وائل فاروق الطيباني- نائب رئيس الجامعة لشئون التعليم والطلاب بدعوة طلاب جامعات ومعاهد جمهورية مصر العربية والوافدين وطلاب الجامعات من خارج مصر بالمشاركة في المؤتمرالطلابي العلمي السادس (الدولي الأول) " علماء المستقبل6 " وذلك بالفترة من 2/5/2023وحتى3/5/2023 " والذي تنظمه جامعة دمياط لطلاب الجامعات والمعاهد الحكومية وغير الحكومية والطلاب الوافدين
ويقوم بتنظيم أعمال المؤتمر كلاً من : أ.د/ غادة محمد الصياد – مقرر المؤتمر ، أ.د/ نعمت محمد حسن – أمين المؤتمر
القواعد المنظمة للمؤتمرالطلابي العلمي السادس "علماء المستقبل 6" كالتالي :
أولاً :فكرة المؤتمر
في إطار حرص الدولة علي تشجيع الباحثين تعقد جامعة دمياط المؤتمر الطلابي العلمي السادس الدولي الأول " علماء المستقبل6 " لطلاب الجامعات والمعاهد الحكومية وغير الحكومية والطلاب الوافدين ، وهو لقاء علمي ينظمه قطاع شئون التعليم والطلاب بالجامعة برئاسة السيد أ.د/وائل فاروق الطيباني - نائب رئيس الجامعة لشئون التعليم والطلاب وذلك بالفترة من 2/5/2023وحتى3/5/2023 حيث يقدم فيه الطلاب الأبحاث العلمية وفقاً للتخصصات المعلنة، ويقوم الطلاب بعرض أبحاثهم في المؤتمر ، كما سيتم إقامة معرض فني وعلمي لأعمال الطلاب، وسوف تقدم جوائز للبحوث والأعمال الفنية والعلمية المتميزة.
ثانياً أهداف المؤتمر
ثالثاً: جوائز المؤتمر
رابعاً: المجالات البحثية في المؤتمر
خامساً : شروط قبول الأبحاث المشاركة في المؤتمر
سادساً : مواعيد قبول الأبحاث المشاركة في المؤتمر
سابعاً : قيمة الاشتراكات للجامعات المشاركة في المؤتمر
ثامناً: استضافة السادة المشاركين بالمؤتمر الطلابي
ستقوم المدينة الجامعية باستضافة كل من الطلبة والطالبات والسادة المشرفين المشاركين بالمؤتمر الطلابي العلمي السادس " علماء المستقبل 6 " من خلال توفير الإقامة وتقديم وجبات غذائية للوفود المشاركة خلال أيام المؤتمر بتقديم عشاء (يوم الاستقبال) الاثنين الموافق 1/5/2023، كما سيتم تقديم ثلاث وجبات ( فطار – غذاء – عشاء ) يوم الثلاثاء 2/5/2023 ، وتقديم وجبات ( الافطار – الغذاء ) يوم الأربعاء 3/5/2023
تاسعاً: ارشادات للمتقدمين بأبحاث:
Title – abstract – key words – introduction –experimental if applicable – results – discussion – conclusion – references)
8- يدرج بعد عنوان البحث البيانات الكاملة للباحثين والكلية والجامعة التي ينتمون لها والبريد الإلكتروني الخاص بهم.
ولمزيد من التفاصيل ,وللدخول الي صفحه المؤتمر يرجي زياره الرابط التالي
The Sixth Scientific Students Conference for Universities and Institutes (First International Conference)
“Future Scientists 6”
,2-3 May 2023
It is organized by Damietta University for students of universities, governmental and non-governmental institutes, inbound students and students from outside Egypt. It is held under the patronage of Prof. El-Sayed Dadour - President of Damietta University, and headed by Prof.
Dr. Wael El-Taibany - Vice President of Damietta University for Education and Student's Affairs, Prof. Ghada Mohamad El-Sayyad - Rapporteur of the conference, and Prof. Nemat Mohamad Hassan - Secretary of the conference.
· The rules governing the Sixth Scientific Conference “Future Scientists 6” are as follows:
First: the idea of the scientific conference
Within the framework of the State's keenness to encourage researchers,
Damietta University holds the sixth scientific conference "Future Scientists 6, first International conference” for students of governmental and non-governmental universities and institutes and inbound students. It is an academic meeting organized by the Education and Student's Affairs
Sector at the university, headed by Prof. Wael Farouk El-Taibany in the span of time from 2nd May 2023 to 3rd May 2023, in which students present their abstracts and papers according to the announced specializations. The students present their research papers in the conference’s sessions. In addition, an artistic and scientific exhibition will be held for students' works. Awards will be presented for distinguished
research and artistic and scientific works, and students from outside Egypt will participate in presenting their research virtually/ online.
The delegations of the participating universities will be received on Monday evening, 1st May 2023.
Second: the objectives of the Conference
1- Prepare a generation of distinguished researchers and train them to conduct high-level research which qualifies students to participate in
scientific research and publishing and enhance their work capabilities in teamwork, leadership and competitiveness.
2- Encourage and sponsor students with scientific and research competencies inside and outside Egypt and build bridges of academic communication and collaboration between them.
3- Enrich the field of scientific research in universities which will be reflected on improving the level of university education.
4- Keep up with progress in the fields of digital technologies and work on activating them in developing scientific research skills and benefit from advanced digital technologies in remote communication.
5- Exchange opinions and ideas, and discuss the presented scientific innovations.
Third: Conference Awards
1- (3) awards for the best research in basic sciences: first place-second place- third place
2- (3) awards for the best research in the literary and social sciences fields: first place-second place- third place
3- (3) awards for the best presentation: first, second and third.
4- (3) awards for the best artwork: first, second and third.
5- (1) award for the best scientific innovation (a prototype of the
innovation is required) with an amount and capacity of 1500 (EGP) only.
*the value of the first place award will be an amount of 1200 (EGP) only, and the value of the second place prize is an
amount of 1000 (EGP) only. And the value of the third place is 800
(EGP) only.
Fourth: Research Fields in the Conference
1- Basic sciences and environmental sciences
2- Medical sciences
3- Engineering Sciences
4- Agricultural Sciences
5- Humanities
6- Social Sciences and care for people with social needs
7- Commercial Sciences and Business Administration
8- Computer Science
9- History and Archeology
10- Arts (applied-fine-expressive-musical)
11- Legal Studies
12- Tourism and Hotels
13- Physical Education and Health Sciences
14- Media and Press
15- Qualitative Studies
16- Geography and GIS
Fifth: Admission requirements of research participating in the Conference
· Each university/institute participates in a maximum of 8 researches, provided they are accepted by the Scientific Committee.
· Research may be individual or collective, provided that the university delegation shall not exceed (3) students + 1 supervisor, regardless of the number of research and artwork submitted.
The student must be enrolled in the participating university or
· The student must fill out the conference participation form electronically (online).
· The student should submit an innovative idea and the research should not be copied or quoted from another research, fall under the conference's themes, and has not been published in another conference.
· The student may seek the assistance of an academic advisor on the research by the participating university or institute.
Sixth: Dates of acceptance of research participating in the conference
¨ Research abstracts and full research papers should be sent to the following e-mail: Dusconf@du.edu.eg, noting that the deadline for receiving research abstracts is on 1st March 2023, provided that the complete research papers are sent no later than 1st April
Seventh: Participation fees for universities participating in the conference
¨ Subscriptions are paid in the name of the Accounting Unit of the
General Administration of Damietta University, an institutional
code (32500101), provided that the value of the participation of
universities and government institutes is an amount of (2000 EGP) two thousand Egyptian pounds, and the value of the participation of universities and non -governmental institutes is an amount of (4000
EGP) four thousand Egyptian pounds, and for inbound students at Damietta University a subscription of (5000 EGP) five thousand Egyptian pounds paid through the Inbound Administration at the university electronically.
Eighth: Hosting the participants in the student conference
Damietta University Dormitories will host both male and female students and supervisors participating in the Sixth Student Conference 'Future Scientists 6 International 1' by providing decent accommodation and meals to the participating delegations during the days of the conference by providing dinner (reception day) on Monday, 1st May 2023, and three meals
(breakfast - lunch - dinner) will be provided on Tuesday 2nd May
2023, and meals (breakfast - lunch) will be provided on
Wednesday 3rd May 2023.
Ninth: Guidelines for Research Applicants
1. Research papers should be submitted in Arabic or English.
2. Research Writing Format:
-If the research is in Arabic:
· The title of the research should be written in (Simplified Arabic) font size (16) and the name of the researcher or researchers and the academic advisor and their data in (Simplified Arabic) font size (12) in BOLD.
· The research should be written in (Simplified Arabic) font
size (14) and headings in BOLD size (14) and the lines
should be single-spaced.· Research should include: Arabic and English abstracts –
Keywords - Introduction - Research problem - Research objectives - Research assumptions - Research procedures - Results - Recommendations - References.
· After the title of the research, the full data of the researchers, the college and university to which they belong, and their e-mail addresses should be listed.
-If the research is in English:
· The title of the research should be written in (Times New Roman) font size (16) and the name of the researcher or researchers and academic advisor and their data in (Times
New Roman) font size (12) BOLD.
· The research should be written in (Times New Roman) font size (14) and headings in BOLD font size (14) and the lines should be single-spaced.
· Research should include: Title – abstract – keywords – introduction –experimental if applicable – results – discussion – conclusion – references).
3. The number of references should not be less than five.
4. The abstract should contain: a brief introduction - a summary of the problem - the most important objectives - the most important .results - keywords in no more than 250 words.
5. Research pages should not exceed 15 pages.
6. The integrity of the language must be taken into account grammatically and free from spelling errors.
7. The researcher presents a presentation in which he\she discusses the research ideas in case he\she chooses to speak, provided that the duration of the presentation should not exceed (15) minutes.
8. After the title of the research, the full data of the researchers, thecollege and university to which they belong, and their e-mail addresses should be listed.
for more detail press here